The Princess Diana Tour

A tour of the sites that were close to Lady Diana Spencers heart, where she lived, and what she knew. The London that she loved.

NOTE: Please note this is a virtual tour, a Do-It-Yourself tour you can print off and take with you when you visit London.

Submitted by ShadyOldLady

Tour Itinerary

# Image Location Address Notes
1Garrards JewellersGarrards Jewellers24 Albemarle Street, Mayfair
2Princess Diana's FlatPrincess Diana's Flat60 Coleherne Court, Earl's Court
3Buckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace13 Buckingham Palace Road
4St Paul's CathedralSt Paul's CathedralThe Chapter House, St Paul's Churchyard, London
5Westminster AbbeyWestminster AbbeyDean's Yard, Westminster
6St Mary's HospitalSt Mary's HospitalPraed Street, Paddington
7Kensington PalaceKensington PalacePalace Avenue, Kensington
8Spencer HouseSpencer House27 St James's Place, Mayfair
8 locations, 17808 hits

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Printable PDF Itinerary (No Map)

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